Termék kategóriája: Könyv, Újság»Idegen nyelvű könyvek
Rita Bradshaw: The Stony Path (Helen Brooks) | Termékkód: 495373 |
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Growing up on a small, struggling farm on the outskirts of Sunderland in the early 1900s, Polly Farrow has a tough life, but she has gifts money can't buy - a joyful disposition and a loving heart. And her heart belongs to her beloved cousin, Michael. Polly knows that one day they'll be man and wife. But a terrible secret is to shatter her dreams for ever: Michael is her half-brother, the fruit of an incestuous relationship between her father and his own sister - Michael's mother. The lovers are rent apart and Polly is left to bear the responsibility of the farm alone - for her father kills himself, unable to live with his shame. Life is now a battle for survival, and Polly wonders if she will ever find happiness. But the answer to her prayers is closer than she thinks...
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Egyéb információk
Eladó helye: Magyarország Onga (3562)
Szállítási feltételek: A szállítási költséget a vevő fizeti
Árverés vége: 2021. Dec. 23. 23:40 Termék megtekintve: 702 |